Thursday, 1 October 2015

Tips for Launching Your Own Fashion Boutique


So many people dream of starting their own business in the fashion industry but unless you have expert design skills, it's likely you're going to want to sell clothing from a boutique store. With that in mind, I've come up with some tips that should help you achieve your goals! 

L O O K   I N T O   G E T T I N G   A   B U S I N E S S   L O A N
Some people have savings, but if you're anything like me then a lot of your spare cash, if there is any, gets spent on treats like clothing, makeup and lifestyle bits. If a pot of savings is hard to come by then you might want to consider getting a business loan. Luckily, most banks are inclined to lend to new businesses at the moment because the global financial situation has improved and there are no longer tight restrictions in place. Just be sure to create an attractive business plan and then try and impress the investment team. Good luck! 

R E N T   S U I T A B L E   P R E M I S E S
The best thing about good-quality fashion boutiques is they don't need to be in the middle of the city centre. Renting a premises outside of the centre of town means you can save a load of cash in rental costs plus if you do your marketing right and create a good reputation, people will be willing to travel that little bit extra. Don't forget you want a large store if possible to allow for expansion. You can even use false walls to make your shop look full while you're getting yourself settled. You'll find the best commercial premises available listed online, just search on Google and see what you can find!

S O U R C E   T H E   B E S T   F A S H I O N   I T E M S
People who own fashion boutiques tend to stock at least some original clothing. That means you might want to tap any any of your designer friends! Got a bit of a creative streak? Then now's your time to shine; get the sewing kit out and start creating a few one off pieces to fill up the railings. If you're not planning on creating your own items to sell then you'll need to ensure you're sourcing elegant and sustainable fashion; you don't want to stock clothing that's part of a dying trend. Make sure you're always one step, or season, ahead!

F I N D   A   G O O D   W H O L E S A L E R
As well as those stand out pieces you're going to want to stock a few basics. Think plain white t's and jeans. For these items you're going to want to use a wholesale clothing provider. Choose a company that's large enough to complete your orders quickly and ensure all clothing is delivered promptly.

I hope you guys find these tips helpful if you're planning on setting up your own boutique. Please let me know if you're planning a new venture and if you already have a boutique, be sure to let me know so I can come and visit!


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