Friday, 25 September 2015

My "Back to School" Priorities


I always find that September is a great time to take stock and think about your goals. Students start a fresh for a new school year and darker nights mean more time to relax and unwind. It might not be new years resolution season quite yet but that's no reason not to get a head start on things. 

Now I'm not a student myself anymore so a stationary and school uniform revamp is out of the question. Instead I'm planning a little "Back to School" style refresh with a list of new priorities for my own personal new term :)

M Y    H E A L T H
Now I know I go on about this so much but that's because it's always in the forefront of my mind whenever it comes to personal priorities. I've acquired a knee injury over the last few weeks which means I can't continue to go to the gym. I'm getting physio for the problem itself so I'm hoping to be back on the treadmill in a month or two, however it definitely makes me feel crappy not exercising. No gym time means I need to be super focused on what I'm eating and the limited amount of exercise I can actually do. I'm also using this time to remember eating healthy and going to the gym isn't the be all and end all; being happy and having a healthy, balanced lifestyle is key. 

M Y    H O M E
Being happy in your home is important, whatever your situation. I've promised myself I'll begin the mother of all declutters over the coming months to prepare me for Christmas and the new year. It's so nice to start the year a fresh but it can take a little bit of time to get the ball rolling, especially if your'e not used to having a good old clear out. If you're looking to buy yourself a few extra bits for your home but aren't sure where to start, visit TopRateTen for more information. 

M Y    B L O G
This is a personal priority for me as a blogger. I put a lot into my blog but I really want to ensure I'm still being creative with my posts and not following the crowd. The blogging industry has progressed massively over the last few yeas and I want to do everything I can to keep up and stay creative. 

M Y    F R I E N D S H I P
I'd like to think I'm a good friend but I know there's always room for improvement. With all the complexities of modern day life to consider, it can be easy to forget the importance of the people in your life. Whether it's making more time to see them or simply speaking to them on FaceTime, staying in touch with the people that matter is really important. One thing I plan on doing this year to show my friends I care is try to find some carefully thought out Christmas presents. It's not about the money, I just want to ensure I get them something thoughtful. 

M Y    O R G A N I S A T I O N
Improving my organisational skills is high on my list of priorities. Like most people nowadays I use my phone for most aspects of my life so it makes sense for me to download and keep up to date with the best organisational apps out there. There's so many apps that can really help make your life easier so it make sense to take advantage of them!

M Y    A P P R E C I A T I O N
I want to be as appreciative of the things I have in my life as I can be. It's so easy to loose sight of what's important. Don't take your friends and family for granted and spend time doing the little things in life that make you happy. Material things are great, but sometimes it takes something with a little more substance to make you feel happy. 

Good luck to any of you that are heading back to school for a new year! And to everyone else, good luck starting your own personal "new term" :)


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