Thursday, 1 October 2015

How to Give Gifts Like a Pro


For me, birthday season is fast approaching. Most of my family and friends, with the exceptions of one or two, are all born in September, October and November! Throw in Christmas and it makes for a pretty expensive time of year for me. 

Gift giving is my favourite thing to do. There's nothing quite like seeing a loved ones face light up as they open the perfect gift. So with this in mind, I thought I'd create a little gift guide for you to ensure you're giving gifts like a pro!

M A R K   T H E   O C C A S I O N
Giving a present at Christmas is different to treating someone for a job promotion. It's important that you understand the importance of the occasion that's being marked. I'd ensure you've thought abut whether the gift is for a couple or an individual too; there are some great gift ideas for newlyweds out there as well as best friends, boyfriends and girlfriends!

C E L E B R A T E   T H E I R   P A S S I O NS
Everyone has hobbies and interests they love and these can make great present inspiration. You could brighten up a shipping enthusiasts home with memorabilia from Nauticalia or alternatively, treat a sports fanatic to tickets to see his or her favourite sporting team in action. 

C O N S I D E R   T E A M I N G   U P
In an ideal world we'd all love to go out and treat our nearest and dearest to elaborate, expensive presents. However in reality, it isn't always possible so why not team up with your friends and chip in for one big present? Or alternatively you could all get something small and put the presents together to create one big present. Accessories are a great idea if you're planning on doing something like this. 

A S K   T H E M
You can't beat a nice surprise however there's nothing wrong with asking someone what they'd like. You could ask them to send you a wish list. That way they know they'll definitely be getting something they like without knowing exactly which gift you're planning on getting! 

Happy gifting people!


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