Thursday, 4 December 2014

10,000 Hits Giveaway Winner Announced!


Happy Wednesday guys!

So as you probably know if you are a regular reader of my blog, I managed to reach 10,000 hits! A huge milestone for me that I really am so thankful for. I wanted to give something back to all you lovely readers so I launched an MUA giveaway to celebrate! Everything in the picture above was up for grabs and lots of you entered; thank you!

Now... Onto the winner!

The lucky recipient of all these gorgeous MUA goodies is... Leanne Lunn! Congratulations! If you could please email me on the address in my "Contacts" section I can send you your prize :)

Thank you all for entering! I promise I will do another giveaway soon and don't forget I have a YouTube channel too where I regularly launch giveaways. 

Thank you all again for helping me reach 10,000 hits, it really does mean so much to me. I can't wait to reach 20,000!

Lots of Love,

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