Saturday, 29 November 2014

A Liberty of London Christmas

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The other day I went up to London for a blogging event and whad'ya know?!... The event was literally a stones throw away from Liberty's! And when I say a stones throw I mean it quite literally; you could almost touch it from the balcony of the bar I was at! Now I am a relatively recent Liberty's convert (I had of course heard the name banded around a great deal but I'd not actually been there) but last year I found myself in Oxford Circus and decided to take a quick visit and I was so glad I did! It's full of beautiful designer brands and gorgeous beauty products, some of which are actually quite rare and hard to find on the high street. This visit wasn't actually beauty related (although the awesome selection of Essie nail polishes MIGHT have tempted me in through the beauty entrance..!) I was actually desperate to see their Christmas decorations! When I got there I headed straight up to the 4th floor and got my camera out. I certainly wasn't disappointed in their selection; some fab alternative designs but lots of traditional ones too; my favourite! As you can see I took lots of pictures, mainly of their baubles as these are their most popular decorations, but also of a few other things I came across such as some beautiful masks and also some glittery wreaths.

I can honestly say that Liberty's makes me feel at home whenever I'm there; it's such a fantastic shop which is steeped in history. If you haven't visited them yet then I definitely recommend taking a trip there. Or alternatively you could visit their website HERE.

Have you ever been to Liberty's? And if so what did you think?

Lots of Love,

(If you want to see the store for yourself, don't forget you can catch their show "Liberty of London" on Channel 4, Wednesdays at 9pm)

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