I'm sorry for using the dreaded "C" word but let's face the music guys... Christmas really isn't that long away. And I for one intend to embrace the Christmas spirit for as long as I can which means I've started my Christmas shopping early. Yep. I'm that annoying person! I've already got my boyfriends presents sorted and I actually purchased my first few rolls of wrapping paper today! I feel so organised. As well as the odd present or two, I've bought myself a few Christmas bits for the home which I wanted to show you! I hope this post gets you into the Christmas spirit if you're not quite there yet!
Metal Bird Cage & Jingling Heart - Primark
I love how vintage and simple these are! And they were only £2 each?! Bargain. I love the vintage look for Christmas and I think these will go with any colour scheme we decide on decorations wise (I may have started my Christmas shopping but I certainly haven't decided on a colour scheme yet...)
Woollen Snowflake Jumper - Primark
OK so it's not a home accessory but we all need a decent Christmas jumper right?! This is actually from last year but they have some really lovely ones in store at the moment which are quite similar. I love this jumper because it's so warm; it's made from proper wool too. Snuggly!
Reindeer Throw Cushion - Very.co.uk
This was my first Christmas related purchase of the year! I love gold accents in the home and this just looks so lovely on our bed. The design itself is so simple too, I love the sweet heart theme!
Have any of you started your Christmas shopping yet?
Lots of Love,