Monday, 21 April 2014

Outfit of the Day: Woodland Walk

 Today I headed out for a walk in the woods near my house. I have basically locked myself away for the whole of the bank holiday weekend writing blog posts and filming videos for my YouTube channel so it was lovely to finally get some fresh air! The Bluebells are just starting to come out now so there were a few areas of the woods where the ground was just a blanket of blue... It was so beautiful! Of course I couldn't leave the house without taking my camera so an impromptu photo shoot was inevitable! Plus I had been filming my "Messy Hair Look + Makeup Tutorial" video for my YouTube channel so I was pretty much on a roll....! 

My t-shirt is from Zara. I bought it a few years ago now but it was the first slightly grungy top I'd ever bought and I absolutely love it! My denim shirt is from Primark and I bought it about 2 years ago now. I love denim but I'm not confident to wear a full on denim jacket so this is the perfect inbetweener for me. My black skinny jeans are from Topshop - I don't really think any shop can go wrong with black skinnies but Topshop do seem to do the best as far as I am concerned. Alongside Primark. My shoes are from Next... I was looking for a pair of Boots just like these for years and when I finally saw them sitting on the shelves in their Holmbush branch I almost fell over I was so excited! These are the comfiest shoes I own and I absolutely love them! My sunglasses are from Primark... I think I've probably rambled on about why I love their sunglasses before so I won't bore you again! I do love these though and they've managed to stay with me for 2 years now - I'm amazed by this seeing as my sunglasses usually have a 2 week lifespan....

If you're interested in re creating this look then check out the video I filmed today - "Messy Hair Look + Makeup Tutorial" on my YouTube channel :)


What did you do over the Bank holiday weekend? Did you do anything fun?

Lots of Love

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