Thursday 13 August 2015

My Top Tips for Pampering and Grabbing Some "Me Time"

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How many of you guys take time out for yourself each week? And I'm talking a good hour or two just to relax on your own and step awaaaaaay from the laptop and the emails. My bet is not that many of you. Our lifestyles now seem to revolve around work and it's becoming harder and harder to take a relaxing 5 minutes to tune out and relax. I personally find it almost impossible especially as I juggle a full time job with my YouTube channel and blog. So with myself and all of you guys in mind I thought I'd write a little post all about my top tips for relaxing, pampering and generally chilling out. 

Schedule Your Time Out
For me, if it's written down it means it needs to happen. It might sound a little regimented but if you have a job like I do, where most tasks are time critical and need a reminder, it make sense for me to remind myself to relax. Get yourself a planner and block out some time in big bold writing. Or alternatively you could use something like Google Calendar, Outlook or even your iPhone. Whatever works best for you!

Invest in Pamper Session Goodies
I am a serious lover of the pamper session goodies! I find it really helps make that "me time" extra special when I've splurged a little on a product I can't wait to try out. You don't need to break the bank just grab something you know you'll enjoy using; think bubble baths, scented candles and yummy moisturisers. You can even make your own facemarks at home for a bit of budget pampering. 

Pick a Room. Any Room. 
Alone time is important so try and find an area in your house where you know you won't be bothered. I find the bathroom is the perfect place to relax as there's a lock on the door (perfect at keeping children... Animals... Your boyfriend/ girlfriend out!) There are some great ideas in this blog post all about how you can make the most out of your bathroom, including pampering and relaxing too!

Not a Pamper Time Fan?
There are loads of other things you can do to relax and take a little time for yourself. And here's a few of my favourites:

- Netflix -
Pretty Little Liars anyone? I could literally watch series on Netflix all day long. If you're struggling for ideas on what to watch there are plenty of lists on the internet.

- Yoga or Meditation -  
It's so lovely to just clear your mind. I find that Yoga and Meditation can really help too. Especially if you struggle to switch off. There's loads of Yoga tutorials on YouTube if you're stuck for ideas on where to start and what's even better... They're free!

- Take a Nap - 
If babies can take them then so can we. Sleep is the master of relaxation so if you're completely exhausted and can't handle the thought of running that bath or watching an entire episode of Orange is the New Black, get under those covers and give yourself a well deserved power nap!

Is it nap time yet?


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