Sunday, 24 November 2013

What To Get Her For Christmas

Hello Dizzy Miss Lizzies!
So this weeks post is going to be for the guys. I know some of you are at a loose end when it comes to Christmas shopping for the ladies in your life, but DML is here to help! Whether it's your Girlfriend, Mother, Sister or Auntie I'm going to aim to give you as many present ideas as I can, with a reasonable budget in mind.

Soap and Glory

You may or may not have heard of this company before, but if you haven't, they are a cosmetics company that sell anything from body wash to mascara. You can find their products in Boots, it'll all be scattered around due to the variation in what they sell but their packaging is unmistakable! They have a huge range of products but here are a few of the best ones to help narrow down your search:

The Righteous Butter - Smoothie Star Butter Cream - Sugar Crush Body Buttercream

These are three of their moisturisers. They're all amazing in their own way but my favourite is Sugar Crush Buttercream for sure. It's got a hint of lime which really gives it a fresh kick! Just what a girl needs to wake her up in the morning!

Sugar Crush Body Wash - Clean on Me - Whipped Clean 

These three products are body washes. To be honest they're all lovely! Whipped Clean is a moisturiser and shower gel in one so a little more for your money! I've bought Clean on Me twice now and absolutely love it, but the best seller by far is Sugar Crush Body Wash. That's definitely on my Christmas wish list!

Hand Food - Sexy Mother Pucker Lip Gloss

Hand Food is Soap and Glory's hand cream - it's brilliant! It leaves your hands feeling silky smooth but not greasy (in case you didn't know, that's the kind of thing girls want from a hand cream!) Sexy Mother Pucker is a lip gloss. Now before you get all freaked out about the idea of buying the ladies in your life make up, I can assure you, they'll love it. If you're feeling confident and know the kind of colours she likes then feel free to choose one of the shades they have on offer - none of them are particularly offensive or over powering. If you're not feeling too confident, stick to the clear one. All of these lip glosses have an ingredient in them that make your lips tingle... Don't ask me what it is! It supposedly makes your lips look plumper and more voluptuous. I'm still on the fence on whether or not this magic ingredient works but it's a fun sensation and it definitely makes you pout a little more!

So that's it for the Soap and Glory products. If you're not sure about which ones to get then they have a huge selection of gift sets which take out all the hard work of choosing individual items for you. They're all packaged brilliantly and are reasonably priced (you're looking at anything between £10 - £60). All of the individual products above are between £10 and £20 each.


We all know it's the classic go to present for any girl, but which one do you get? A perfume scent is an incredibly personal thing. If you know for sure that she is really picky about the perfume she wears then maybe stay clear of this present OR do your research before you purchase. Many women will have a selection of "go to" scents they trust but others, like me, have a varied selection. To help steer you in the right direction here's my list of the top 5 scents that I feel are classic, timeless and smell gorgeous!

 Chanel - Coco Mademoiselle

This is my favourite perfume by far. It smells absolutely amazing! With hints of Jasmine, Rose and Iris this is a really classic scent. I have never met a woman who doesn't rave about Coco Mademoiselle - old and young!

Chanel - No. 5

 This perfume is a little too mature for me but it's ideal for a Mother or an Auntie. It has a scent which Chanel describe as "an abstract bouquet of flowers". It's a respected fragrance that any woman would love to wear.

Calvin Klein - Sheer Beauty

This is a really light and care free perfume - ideal for a younger sister/ cousin or girlfriend. It's not as heavy as the Chanel fragrances and has a really fruity scent with a hint of musk and lily. My Grandfather bought me this for Christmas a few years ago and I absolutely loved it!

Marc Jacobs - Dot 

This is another quite fruity fragrance with hints of red berries, dragon fruit and honeysuckle. The perfume has a really distinct and gorgeous fragrance plus the bottle is totally amazing! You can't go wrong with Marc Jacob's perfume!

Jimmy Choo - Jimmy Choo
Their shoes are a work of art so it goes without saying that their perfumes will be too. This is a really fresh and fun scent, great for a glamorous woman who loves extravagance! My boyfriend bought me this last year for my birthday and whenever I wear it I get loads of compliments!


Silverado are a company of designers who make and sell jewellery. They have a few shops down here in the South - one in the Brighton Laines and one in Lewes. If you're not able to visit them in store you can order from them online at

What's so special about Silverado? If the lady you're buying for likes quite simple and dainty pieces with a bit of a difference, she'll love anything you buy from here! The jewellery they sell is absolutely beautiful and most importantly, it's reasonably priced. Jewellery is quite a personal thing so I would recommend doing a little bit of research into what she likes. Firstly, have a look at the jewellery she already wears. Is it gold or silver? Is it modern or vintage looking? If you're stuck then take a look at a few of my favourites below for inspiration! All of these pieces can be found on their website now :-)

My final tip for girlfriends/ wives/ fiances would be to make them a stocking. I know what you're thinking... WAY too much effort! But you're wrong! Firstly, there's no need to wrap up all of those presents. Secondly, it shows that you've put some thought in. All you need to do is go to Boots/ Superdrug and follow this shopping list of items:

Hair masks (John Frieda's ones are good)
Impulse sprays (any of them. Remember it's the thought that counts!)
Face masks
Travel mini's (you know.. The ones that you buy when you're going away? They make for great stocking fillers and they're SO CUTE)
Moisturiser (Jergen's is a nice make. Or anything that has "Cocoa Butter" on the label)
Lip Salve (Carmex. Can't beat it)
Baptiste dry shampoo (get a mini one if you can. Great for handbags!)
Face scrub (St. Ives do a great apricot scrub. Or a make called Simple)

Fill the rest up with nectarines and anything else that you've found she might like (some nice French knickers? A pair of slipper socks?) and you're good to go. You've basically done one present in one shop and there's no wrapping involved. Surely that's the kind of Christmas shopping you guys love right?!

I hope this post has helped if you're struggling with what to by the ladies in your life this Christmas! Ladies, please feel free to send me any ideas of things you'd love to see in your Christmas stocking this year! And guys, let me know how you're presents go down!

Lots of Love,
DML xxx
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