Sunday, 28 October 2018

How I Plan on Beating the Winter Blues

Winter and I have a love hate relationship. On one hand, I love cosying up under the covers and finding cute little pubs to have a fire lit roast in. Then on the other, I absolutely despise being cold and having to do the mad dash to grab my dressing gown in the mornings before the heating kicks in. My mood can be so changeable too during the colder months; I find it really hard to keep myself upbeat and regularly experience lulls where I'm a little down for no apparent reason. I wanted to share a few of my top tips for perking yourself up during the down days as let's be honest, we all have them!

- B O X  S E T S -
I'm trying hard not to spend too much money at the moment as I'm going away in a month or so for Christmas. As I'm in saving mode my social calendar has taken a bit of a back seat so I've been consciously making an effort to stay in at least 2 weekends out of the month. Instead of wallowing in self pity at the thought of my friends all out having fun (I get serious FOMO sometimes!) I just do a bit of mid week research and make a mental note of some series I know I'll be able to get into to distract me. I make sure I have some yummy food in (popcorn is a must) and that's me sorted for the rest of the evening. I've recently finished watching Killing Eve on BBC iPlayer and I've almost finished Bodyguard. Both are brilliantly gripping. Netflix wise I've just started a show called Glow; totally crazy and from the makers of Orange is the New Black. A few less current series I've loved are Peaky Blinders, Big Little Lies, Handmaids Tale and of course Game of Thrones. The Affair is also great and so is Mad Men. When it comes to good TV at the moment you're spoilt for choice so don't be afraid to clear your diaries and get comfy under the duvet. 

- N I G H T S  I N  W I T H  F R I E N D S -
I've been loving visiting my friends recently for film nights. It means you can have some company in the comfort of your own home or theirs and allows you to socialise without the expense of going out. My friends and I live quite close to one another so it's easy for us to just drop in. I regularly put my trackies on and walk over, grabbing some snacks on the way and sometimes ordering a take away if we're feeling lazy. I always feel better after an evening spent chatting to my best friend.

- P L A N N I N G  F U N  N I G H T S/ D A Y S  O U T -  
Whilst I might be staying in more it doesn't mean I don't look forward to a good day or evening out. For every 2 weekends a month I'm staying in, there's at least 1 where I'm doing something fun. I try and make it count too; so a trip up to London, a concert or a meal at my favourite restaurant. I'm the kind of person who needs something to look forward to or my mood can take a real dip. If you're dreading this time of year then make sure you plan one thing a month that you know you'll really enjoy. If nothing else, it gives you something to look forward to during the really down days. 

- R E A C H  O U T -
People are busy and usually tied up in their own things. It doesn't mean they don't care, but it can make you feel like you're on your own a lot of the time. Don't be afraid to reach out to people and make plans to see them. It might feel like you're putting in a lot of the effort but sometimes people need a bit of a push to get plans in place. Spend your down time looking at ideas for fun group activities and send a few date suggestions out to your group chats. The more you reach out, the more plans you'll make and you'll soon find your social calendar filling up. 

- T R E A T  Y O U R S E L F -
I always feel better when I treat myself. Whether that's to a meal out, a new item of clothing or a skincare splurge. This time of year sees all of the fun Christmas releases coming out so get some early Christmas shopping in for yourself. I've just moved house so I'm loving home wear stuff at the moment. Scented candles are a really nice thing to get yourself, and perfect for lighting during those box set binge watching evenings. 

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