For my first post of 2018 I thought I'd do a bit of a "planning" post, not only because I love to plan but also because I wanted to give you a sneak preview of the kind of things I want to cover this year. I always seem to make blogging promises I can't keep, like how frequently I'll post things so instead of trying to post a unrealistic amount of times a week, I thought I'd try and change the diversity of the subject matter I create. Not only will this make things way more interesting for me, but it'll hopefully keep you entertained. Well that's the plan anyway!
The main thing I want to cover more of is makeup and skincare. It's a huge passion of mine and something I've not shared much about over the last 6 months. There's loads of great products I've been trying out recently like the Nip + Fab Glycolic range as well as some new makeup looks and makeup brands. I'm going to try and do some feature posts on a few of these products over the next few weeks so keep an eye out.
Photography is a seriously tricky thing to get right during the winter months. Mainly because natural light is almost none existent but also because the days are so long; I literally get zero day time hours after work to take decent pictures. I'm going to be a little less harsh on myself though and be more candid with my photography. I've realised that the blogs I love to read are usually pretty casual with things like that and capturing the moment is more important than how "artistic" the shots are. I'm looking to be more relaxed with the content I create in general really. Quality over quantity is still my motto, but I want to enjoy what I do rather than stressing myself out about the photo quality.
I'm hoping to start my YouTube channel up again too with some cool video content. I can't say when this will be yet as I'm on the look out for a new camera but I'm hoping to get something published before summer. In terms of camera inspo I'm looking for recommendations. At the moment the Lumix GH5S is a front runner because of it's capability in low light (check out the video below of it in action it's pretty impressive!)
Lastly I want to start doing way more restaurant and getaway reviews. Food is a huge passion of mine and I'd love to share some of my favourite places to eat and drink with you guys. My first review is going to be on the way in the next few weeks but if there's anywhere local to Sussex that you'd like me to visit and try out for you, be sure to let me know.
See you guys soon