Monday, 4 December 2017

My Top Series to Binge Watch this Winter

For me, winter is all about snuggling up in front of the TV and watching your favourite box set. In summer I'm out and about enjoying the nice weather but as soon as the colder months kick in, I can't think of anything worse than being outside. As a lot of you know I moved out earlier in the summer. I'm yet to sort myself out a proper TV for my room (I've had my eye on the Panasonic Ultra HD 4K TV for a while now) and until I do, I'm sticking to watching my favourite series on my laptop. And what better way to hibernate than to binge watch an entire season of your favourite TV show in the comfort of your own bed?

Since spending my weekends and evenings binge watching box sets I figured I'd become a bit of a conosier in the art so I decided to compile a list of my absolute favourite series to stay up late watching.

First up we have the nations (and my) number 1, Game of Thrones. Now I'm not ashamed to tell you that I managed to get through seasons 1-6 in a matter of weeks when the most recent season hit Sky. On a few occasions I got through an entire series in a day. For the record... One season is 10 episodes and each episode is 40+ minutes long. That's some serious dedication for you! It's hard to describe GoT's to those who haven't watched it. I'd be tempted to say it's a mixture of Lord of the Rings and the more recent Harry Potter films but I know people who have watched both of these and absolutely hate them but love Game of Thrones. If you like magic, epic fight scenes, great story lines and historical drama's that have you gripped to the edge of your seat then I'd say you'll love this series. At the moment the only way you can watch Game of Thrones is by buying the box set. I think season 7 is still available on Sky Go though. 

Next up we have an oldie but a goodie, and that's Orange is the New Black. I know this has been around for a while now and it's certainly nothing new, but when it first came out I was seriously hooked. Things have tailed off for me since a few character changes (I won't give anything away) but I'm sure I'll get back into it now I've got more time on my hands. The series itself is about a group of women in an American prison. All of the ladies have different stories as to why they are there and each individuals past is shown as the series goes on. It's hugely gripping and the acting is amazing. You'll fall in love with some of the characters, even the ones you thought you'd end up hating. OITNB is available on Netflix. 

Another favourite of mine at the moment is House of Cards. I'm not ashamed to admit I've tailed off watching this since the recent stories hit the papers about Kevin Spacey, but that shouldn't detract from the quality of the series itself and the other actors in it. If you're into hard hitting American political dramas filled with sex, violence and deceit then this is definitely for you. The way Kevin Spacey spends some of the time talking directly to the camera as if he's talking to you is a touch I really enjoyed whilst watching this series. It gives it such personal edge. House of Cards is available on Netflix. 

Another classic is Grey's Anatomy. I first got into this series almost 10 years ago now and I've been hooked ever since. I'm pretty sure they're on their 14th series now and as far as I am aware, it's still going strong. I purchased a Now TV subscription a few months back and they just added the entire series 1-14 so I've gone back to the beginning and started re watching them all again. I love doing this with old programs that've been going for years. Oh and Patrick Dempsey is UNREAL. Just... Watch it and see.  

I can't do a series run through without mentioning Stranger Things. This is probably my second favourite series to binge watch after Game of Thrones. If you're into classic 80's films such as The Goonies and Lost Boys then this will have you hooked. The actors are fantastic and the story line is out of this world. Quite literally! Sit down, grab yourself a cup of tea and some biscuits and be prepared to not leave your room for at least a week. Stranger Things is available on Netflix. 

Last but by no means least I wanted to talk about Suits. What with the recent royal engagement it seems only fair to talk about the program that made Meghan Markle famous. I find Suits such an easy series to dip in and out of. It's not too heavy and the story lines are relatively predictable without being boring (yes that is possible!) I'm a little bit obsessed with Harvey and his protoge Mike; both are very strong characters in their own right. If you're into modern "Mad Men" style series set in New Yorks Manhattan then this is definitely something you'll enjoy. Suits is available on Netflix.  

So now I've covered off my favourite box sets to binge watch I thought I'd quickly go through a few that are on my "to watch" list:

Narcos - drugs? Mexico? I'm not entirely sure what it's about but I've heard great things. I think it's quite similar to Breaking Bad if that's your kind of thing

Peaky Blinders -  OK so I might've started watching this already but I'm still a little unsure on what it's about. Gangsters in the 1920s maybe? The guy from Jurassic Park is in it and he has a pretty epic Northern Irish accent!

Power - I literally have no idea what this is about aside from the fact it's set in America and it's about drug dealers and nightclub owners. Sounds pretty fun though and my friends have been telling me to watch it for ages. 

Mad Men - now this is a cheat one because I've actually seen this already and I LOVED it but I want to re watch it. So I guess this should be on a separate list for that? Maybe? Who cares. It's set in the 1960s and is all about the world of advertising. The costumes are to die for and the characters are always smoking cigarettes and drinking Old Fashioned's. 

So there we have it, my Top Series to Binge Watch this Winter. Do you have any series you're looking to start?

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