Sunday, 5 February 2017

Life Update | Quarter Life Crisis

 I've been dealing with a lot of change recently in my personal life and I wanted to share a bit about what's been happening with you all. Change isn't something I tend to deal particularly well with; my mind usually has a delayed reaction to unsettling times and I find it only really hits me a month or so after. Knowing this was going to happen I wanted to leave things a little while before I started to work through the clutter and talk about things on my blog and my YouTube channel. 

Earlier this year I made the decision to move out of the flat I was sharing with my boyfriend and move in with my grandmother. The end of the 2016 was a really difficult time for me; I felt like the year had run away with me and I hadn't really achieved anything I'd set out to. There were so many moments throughout 2016 where I felt like I was trapped. I didn't feel I could be myself and I desperately missed spending time with my friends and being independent. 

I'm the kind of person who loves being in a relationship. I like having someone in my life permanently and I'm not scared of commitment. I do, however, love having my own space and that's something I've not had for a very long time. That combined with changing dramatically as a person over the last year meant I needed to make some pretty tough decisions. 

Dealing with all these changes and the repercussions of my decisions has been really difficult. I've not been sleeping well and I've not eaten as well as I should. I spent a year battling with anxiety a while ago after the death of my grandmother and these last few months I've seen a glimmer of that come back into my day to day life. I know there's loads of people out there who have to deal with anxiety on a day to day basis and for those of you reading this, my advice to you is to speak about it with friends and to keep yourself occupied. Personally I'm worst when left alone with my own thoughts so I like to keep my weekends packed full of family and friends. During the week I'm always kept busy at work and weekday evenings are usually filled with Netflix and Harry Potter films.

Despite the uncertainty in my life, when it comes to looking forward to the future I feel really positive. I'm saving to move into my own flat at the moment and I have some fun trips away planned. Although things have been hard in terms of the upheaval and the changes I can honestly say I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. 

I guess the point of this post is to let you know that things in my life have been a bit weird and hard to deal with. Instead of just posting about makeup and fashion I want to post about my experiences during this time so I can help anyone else going through a bit of a quarter life crisis like me! It happens all the time and it's hard to know what to do. Especially when you're looking around at everyone else who appears to have everything so sorted. Be prepared to read some honest upfront posts about being 28, single and not always knowing what the fuck you're doing. 

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