Thursday, 31 December 2015

2015 Wrap Up: My 2016 Resolutions & Some of My Favourite Moments from 2015

For me 2015 hasn't been a particularly stand out year. I didn't actually achieve many of the resolutions I set out for myself at the end of 2014 and nothing hugely amazing happened. Don't get me wrong I did A LOT of planning. And set the wheels in motion for a few things that will come together in 2016. So I guess I could say 2015 has been a good planning year? Let's stick with that.

Before I get onto my resolutions for 2016, I wanted to share a few of my favourite posts from 2015, as well as a few of my favourite moments in the blogging and YouTube world. It might have been a pretty quiet year for me, but it certainly wasn't for a lot of other bloggers and YouTubers and I wanted to share a few of my favourite moments of theirs!

First up, here's a few of my favourite posts from the DML blog...

This was by far my most viewed post in 2015. I had such great feedback from this which really made me smile! It's lovely when you write a post that resonates with people; it's what blogging is all about. So when I found out that this post had helped people it made me feel very warm and fuzzy inside. 

This post was featured on the press release for Chi Chi London's wedding inspired clothing which I was absolutely overwhelmed with. I love this dress so much, although I've actually not found an occasion to wear it to yet! The location of this shoot was probably one of my all time favourites. I can't wait for the weather to improve so I can head back there and take some more outfit pics!

2015 was the year of my first Mulberry! And I can honestly say it's my most loved purchase of the year if not the last 3. Looking back, it probably wasn't the best time to buy such an expensive item however with house buying on the cards for 2016, it probably was for the best! I use this bag for work every single day so it's definitely earning it's keep!

Here's a few of my favourite moments in the blogging and YouTube world from 2015...

I remember when I first saw this come up on my watch list and I was like "Whaaaaat?!" I cried at least twice while watching it. And then I cried again when I watched it for the 2nd time! It was such an amazing moment watching her come out to the world and finally give herself the opportunity to live a true and fulfilling life. She's one of my all time favourite YouTubers because of her infectious personality and I'm so unbelievably happy for her. 

I think it's so special when YouTubers let us get a glimpse of their own personal lives. This video really struck a chord with me, not because of any personal experience of the situation, but because of the beautiful way Claire managed to tell the story. Claire's inventive and creative skills when it comes to her videos are what makes her my favourite YouTuber. That and her kind and warm personality. 

I can't talk about the top blogging and YouTube moments in 2015 without mentioning this video by Em Ford. It was such an amazingly shocking video in every sense. It evoked such emotion from the blogging and YouTube community; how can people think it's OK to write such horrible comments on someone's videos? Em managed to bring a hugely important message to the forefront with this video and the creative way she did it was just brilliant. 

And finally... Some of my New Years resolutions for 2016...

- G R O W   M Y   B L O G   A N D   Y O U T U B E   C H A N N E L -
A bit of a fluffy one granted, but I don't want to limit myself with goals in terms of subscribers and followers. I just want to grow my channel and blog as much as I possibly can, simples!

- B U Y   A   H O U S E -
Huge goal alert! Boyf and I are looking to buy a house next year. And I'm planning on filling it with all of the animals. 

- P A Y   O F F   D E B T -
An oldie but a goodie for me. Every year I promise I'll pay off my debt. But this year I am finally going to get rid of a huge chunk of it. I WILL. 

- B U Y   L E S S   N E W   S T U F F -
2015 was the year of purchasing. 2016 will be the year of not purchasing... As much. I find myself buying such pointless crap that half of the time I never actually use. I've just cleared out an entire bag full of makeup which basically weighs the same amount as a small child. MORTIFIED. 

- G O   B A C K   T O   T H E   G Y M -
Another generic goal but one I know I'll do. I injured my knee earlier this year which meant no gym for me. I've actually just emailed my gym instructor to say I'll be coming back end of Jan.. First step done!

That's pretty much it for the resolutions. I don't want to give myself too much as the more I try and do, the more I tend to procrastinate. Do any of you have any resolutions you're hoping to achieve in 2016? If so let me know what they are! We can help each other. 

Happy New Year guys!


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