Sunday, 10 May 2015

The Perfect Black Skinny Jeans

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I'd been searching for the perfect pair of jeans for the best part of 10 years. I just wanted a decent pair that actually fitted properly and kept their shape, was that too much to ask? Constantly let down by saggy knees and faded colour I was sick and tired of spending my hard earned cash on second rate jeans. But finally, last week, my frustrated prayers were answered by Topshop.

I can't believe it took me so long to convert to be honest. Granted, their trousers are £42 a pop which is certainly more than I'd been spending on my Primark jeans. But then again I'd be spending the same per year after each Primark pair got ruined in the wash anyway. I'd rather have one good pair of jeans that lasted than 4 crappy pairs that stopped fitting after the 3rd wear. Don't get me wrong Primarni jeans have their uses (I won't be throwing my whole collection away anytime soon!) But it's just such a good feeling knowing I have one decent, reliable pair in my wardrobe.

So, onto my Topshop jean style of choice. I went with the Jamie style; advertised as the skinny, high waisted ankle grazer. I personally prefer high waisted jeans as they feel like they really support you around the middle. They are also a hell of a lot more forgiving when you go for that big meal out. Now unlike my other high waisters these guys are unbelievably comfortable. There's no tight waist band and the jean material is so soft. I decided on the ripped knee look but they have the same style sans rip if you're not into that kind of look. I think I'll be going back for a pair of those next month. 

So the only thing left to say is thank you Topshop! For saving me from my jean troubles and finally making me feel comfortable on my weekends. 

Lots of Love,
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